Pre-Website Devlog No6 -
Finished my GDD last friday! I sent it out to lots of people. My peers were quite complementary but still, despite my efforts, I managed to be overly verbose and convoluted in writing. Its a little frustrating given how hard I treid to be straight to the point, but at least it's done. I managed to show a VFX artist and developer my GDD and he was super enthused by it, so much so that this monday he has already shown me many materials with the desired effects I want, no more than 2 days later. I also finished a bunch of minor things like matching the initial wall run velocity (that determines the players wallrunning speed) to my custom movement velocity value. I used this rather than ‘Get Component Velocity’ which managed to fall short of what I needed and was a mismatch to my custom value. I also managed to make wall run work on shift. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think I’ll make a custom option to turn on auto wall run in the menu. I fixed the jump by using velocity and override current vel. I did this to zero the players movement in the Z axis so gravity doesnt over compensate for the jump. Nothing too complicated. Though I do need to remember to comment on my code.
OH. I also fixed the add impulse for the wall run. Turns out that ‘set all linear velocity’ works a treat. My only concern is when it comes to building in momentum because I worry it might override things. Overall, I'll essentially have to mimic the effect of momentum and time will tell if that's a good thing or not. I am trying to remain hopeful. You can read my GDD here!