Pre-Website Devlog No1 -
I am off. I completed my miro board with the visual inspiration for my current project. I will likely make this log public after some degree of progress has been made in the project, but for now the initial stages of pre-dev are underway privately. I want to compile a games design document for future reference both for myself and anyone I plan to bring onto the project. It should aim to be a guidebook, as my all holy tutor puts it, my games bible, and teach me in the ways of worship. I need to outline how my game will come together in ways relevant to me personally as a games designer. This will include things like backdrop design, foreground colour design, player win and lose conditions, scoring, feel and other things. It's likely already that I will have to trim a bit of movement nuance given the later time in January I started, but that can be incorporated later. As for aesthetics of the document itself, that's still undecided. I will have a formal scrum with myself, which feels really weird to say, tomorrow to decide how my time is best spent this week